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1. Commission will be 20 % of sales for preregistered entries. Late entries will be sold at the end of the auction.
2. Everything will be sold unreserved to the highest bidder.
3. All entries are to be clean and in good health. Any entries deemed unfit for auction will be refused.
4. All entries must be crated with the containers constructed so that the public can see the contents without removal from the crate – screened front or sides. All entries will be sold with the crate that they arrive in.
5. All entries will be identified with the
i) Consignors full name, address, & phone number.
ii) Breed, sex & number of animals in the crate.
iii) Lambs, Goats and any other animals that require it are to have proper ear tags.
6. Consignments will be limited to 10 boxes with the sale limited to 300 boxes total. A limit of 10 boxes per species also applies. Eg 10 boxes of Marans, 10 boxes of Call Ducks. Eggs and day old chicks will not be accepted.
7. Entries will be sold times the money – a box with three ducks in it selling for $ 50.00 each would be $50.00 x 3 = $ 150.00 total. Feathered chicks will be sold by the box.
8. Entries will be accepted between 9:00 am and 11:30 am of sale date.
9. The Auctioneer will control the sale order and determine how the entries will be sold at all times. 10. Regulations subject to change without notice.

Chili Cook-off

KINectic Kookers

Kinsmen Particpated in Chili Cook-off for Mental Health Awareness at the Dauphin Friendship Center Oct 9, 2013.  Our Smoky Hot Chili KIN Carne was the third best in Dauphin.  Fun was had by all!!

Remembrance Day Service

The Kinsmen Club of Dauphin donated to the Royal Canadian Legion towards a Remembrance Day Wreath.  Club President, Trevor Shewfelt, attended the Service at Credit Union Place and layed the wreath.

Wreathremembrance day

Kinette Meetings

Kinette meet during the 2nd Wednesday of the month.  We will be meeting at various loactions throughout the year so please feel free to contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

Kin Meetings

Fellow Kin meet every 1st Thursday of the month.  Usually we have some fellowship before the meeting.  We will be meeting at various locations throughout the year so please feel free to contact our This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more details.

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